Saturday, March 24, 2018

Content Pillars

Google seems to have the entire SEO industry talking about Content Pillars.  I'd like to complain about the word choice.  Why aren't we thinking about:

  • Content Clusters
  • Content Segments
  • Topic
  • Subjects
And what's with the "pillar" metaphor? I think the idea is that there is a single collection of source material such as a book, study, or white paper which can be used to provide bite-size pieces of content for social media and to fill up a number of webpages, perhaps each taking a section from the book, study, or white paper. 

There’s a big difference between a blog with uninspiring poor content and one that’s ripe with interesting and intriguing relevant information.  Good content is designed to appeal to an audience and answer their questions and respond to their interests. Poor content has no editorial success in culling together a coherent framework of info

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